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[泥娃娃儿歌视频舞蹈]泥娃娃儿歌视频 泥娃娃歌词 泥娃娃简谱

时间:2021-05-29 来源:宝宝教育 点击:


泥娃娃儿歌视频 泥娃娃儿歌 泥娃娃歌词 泥娃娃简谱

泥娃娃泥娃娃 一个泥娃娃

也有那眉毛 也有那眼睛 眼睛不会眨

泥娃娃泥娃娃 一个泥娃娃

也有那鼻子 也有那嘴巴 嘴巴不说话

她是个假娃娃 不是个真娃娃

她没有亲爱的妈妈 也没有爸爸

泥娃娃泥娃娃 一个泥娃娃

我做她妈妈 我做她爸爸 永远爱着她。


The doll of clay.

The doll of clay.

She's a doll of cla

She has got eyebrows.

She has got blue eyes.

Which cannot wink.

The doll of clay.

The doll of clay.

She's a doll of clay.

She has got a nose.

She has got a mouth.

Which cannot speak.

She's but a doll of clay.

She's not a living doll.

She has got no loving Papa,

no loving Mama.

The doll of clay.

The doll of clay.

She's a doll of clay.

I'll be her Papa.

I'll be her Mama.

For every loving day.


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